
Strategic Plan 2.0 - Planning Process


Under the leadership of President Frederick W. Clark Jr., Esq., ’83, ladbrokes立博中文版致力于一个包容和全面的战略规划过程, 建立在大学机构战略规划的基础上. 战略规划对于大学推进其为所有学生提供高质量教育的历史使命的能力至关重要, 通过其作为重要知识分子的地位,促进社会正义,提高马萨诸塞州东南部居民的生活质量, economic, and cultural resource in the region. The plan helps the University to establish clear priorities, guide decision making, align its financial and human resources with its goals, and maximize the impact of its resources. This plan is a “living” document, a guidepost for decision making and one that is referenced, revisited, and revised on an ongoing basis.


机构战略计划是在数据知情决策的基础上制定的, stakeholder inclusion, and careful stewardship of human and financial resources. Building upon the University’s previous efforts, including the BSU Institutional Plan adopted in 2018, 它提供了一份包容性和注重成果的指导性文件. Bridgewater’s strategic planning is comprehensive, using a unique nested design, 在机构计划的基础上,哪一个可以指导部门的战略计划, college, departmental and program levels. Additionally, 该计划包括一个积极的规划过程,以5年为审查周期,并对成果进行年度审查.

Approach and Commitment

ladbrokes立博中文版的战略计划是一份全面的“活”文件,具有机构层面的计划,其中确定了主要目标和目标以及实施计划, 描述机构实现其战略重点和目标的途径. 它还将为部门、学院、部门和项目级别的计划提供信息. Finally, 战略计划包括审查和修订政策和程序,使决策途径正规化.

Every year, BSU提供与战略计划一致的部门和部门间举措的最新信息. 这些审查每年进行两次,分别在秋季学期和春季学期之后. In these reviews, 部门和部门间委员会记录和沟通与战略计划相关的成就,并确保实现目标, objectives and commitments are current and relevant.

Nested Strategic Planning

Nested Divisional Strategic Planning

Inclusion and Data Informed Decision Making

To ensure a robust and inclusive plan, 桥水积极邀请其利益相关者参与规划过程. Additionally, 调查工具和对关键数量数据的审查为决策提供了基础. 

Listening Tours 

At more than 45 sessions in 2021-2023, President Clark invited University faculty, librarians, staff and students to share their vision for the institution. 指导该计划的关键主题和行动项目是在这一进程中产生的, building on the 2018 BSU Institutional Strategic Plan. 

Campus Climate Surveys 

Students, faculty, librarians, 和工作人员被纳入了由机构研究办公室管理的一系列校园气候调查. 这些调查指导了改善校园多样性、社会公正和安全的决策. 

Community Surveys

规划过程包括来自该地区利益攸关方的劳动力发展和社区伙伴关系数据, 哪些是通过焦点小组和电子调查收集的. 聆听之旅和与K-12教育社区合作伙伴的重点会议, local government, non-profit organizations, 举办商业组织以收集有关经济和劳动力发展的意见.


大学的高级职员在会议上分享了一些有关机构规划过程的最新情况, at Town Hall with all University employees, 与校董会及策略规划网页联络. Opportunities for participation were included. The members of the Executive Leadership Council, which is comprised of more than 100 University faculty, librarians, staff, 2023年10月,管理人员开会审查了该计划的接近最终草案.


战略计划特别关注远景项目仪表板, 设定目标,积极影响和促进学生成功的总体目标. 数据流计划将继续在整个战略规划实施过程中为组织决策提供关键数据. 仪表板与高等教育部的绩效评估系统(PMRS)保持一致。, and provides evidence of BSU’s Student Success Framework.

Planning Partners and Institutional Summit

规划过程还包括与MSCA的预览会议, AFSCME and APA unions as well as the AUC. All members of the BSU community, 包括学生和员工被邀请参加2023年11月的规划峰会, to provide feedback on the plan and its outcome measures.

Key Themes and Areas of Focus

In 2018, 在桥水的战略规划过程中,通过与利益相关者的直接沟通和数据分析,揭示了12个关键主题. 所有这些关键主题都来自包容性规划过程, which included listening tours and surveys of faculty, librarians, staff, and students. 这些主题已纳入机构和部门计划. 这些关键主题导致了2018年计划中的五个战略目标. 这些目标是BSU机构战略计划2的基础.0,并根据在上一个计划期间建立的知识进行修改. 实质性的变化包括制定更有力和详细的计划,为每个目标和目标5的扩展及其对公平的承诺提供明确和可衡量的结果. Additionally, 该计划引入了11项战略重点,这些重点是通过克拉克校长的倾听之旅和北外领导委员会确定的.

BSU Strategic Plan Dashboard

For more information about BSU’s Strategic Plan 2.0, visit the Strategic Plan 2.0 Dashboard


Strategic Plan 2.0

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