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策略计划二.0 -策略重点

通过一个包容和协商的过程, BSU has identified 11 areas of focus that are interwoven into 策略计划二.0. Advancing these priorities will enable the University to continue to thrive in the face of a challenging higher education environment characterized by increased competition for students and resources, 公众对高等教育价值的怀疑, 不断变化的学生人口结构, 员工期望的转变, 以及前所未有的科技发展速度, 社会, 政治变革.


复杂性要求我们不断适应, 结合新兴的最佳实践, 并将数据驱动的计划规模化. The University needs to create the conditions for directed and organic innovation that is sustainable in the academic programs we offer, 我们为教师提供的支持, 图书馆员, 工作人员, 与学生加强教与学, 并在所有其他与BSU战略重点一致的领域.


BSU’s greatest resource is its people, and we aspire to be a top place to work. The University seeks to foster the overall wellbeing of all employees. We also seek to increasingly meet employee expectations by soliciting input and feedback, 支持不同的工作模式, 对灵活性和工作/生活平衡的需求做出反应, 提高员工敬业度, providing development 机会 to increase skills and aptitudes and prepare for roles of increasing responsibility, 解决薪酬平等问题.


Tending to the interconnected physical and emotional health of all students and employees is vital to fostering an excellent teaching and learning environment, 帮助我们的学生发挥他们最大的潜力. At a time when the incidence of mental health and chronic disease is increasing, BSU致力于提供资源, 机会, time, and space necessary to support the holistic health of every member of our campus community.


BSU is committed to actualizing its values as a community that rejects all forms of bias, 歧视, 排外情绪, 并将其对多样性的支持付诸实践, 包容, 和股票. In line with the recommendations of the 总统’s Special Task Force on 种族平等, BSU决心审查和纠正政策要素, 实践, 以及阻碍波士顿州立大学成为一个更加种族公正的大学的文化, 欢迎, 包容, 一个公平的社区,培养一种深刻的归属感. This work is vital considering the growing diversity of our student body and BSU’s aspiration to be a national leader in this space.


BSU’s 278-acre campus requires continuous and strategic investment in upgrading its existing buildings and physical facilities, 减少延迟维护的积压, 基础设施现代化. BSU还致力于提高可持续性, 减少碳足迹, 确保额外的公共和私人资源, and leveraging external partnerships to meet the needs of our campus community. The University will also renew its long-term master plan to take account of changing space needs and demands and establish strategic capital priorities.


With states across the country cutting support for public higher education, it is important that BSU secure additional private funding to advance our mission. In 2024, BSU will launch its new “Without Exception” capital campaign with the goal of reaching 总统 Clark’s stated goal of a $100 million endowment. This campaign builds on the work BSU has done in creating a stronger culture of philanthropy among alumni and donors, 培养校友并把他们带回波士顿州立大学, and building its development infrastructure to support such a campaign, all of which has resulted in BSU growing its endowment from $36 million to $61 million from 2015-2022.


If BSU is not affordable, then it is not accessible to most of our students. 因为负担能力与每个学生的情况有关, BSU will continue to strive to meet each student’s individual needs, building upon its significant expansion of both need-based grants and merit scholarships. Enhancing affordability also requires that BSU continue to strongly advocate for state funding, 培育私人慈善事业, and grow our grants and sponsored projects to support our mission and reduce the financial burden on our students. BSU还必须传达BSU教育的价值, 帮助学生和家庭做出明智的财务决定, and ensure that we maintain our position as one of the most affordable four-year degree options in our region.


每个学生来BSU都是为了开启或提升自己的职业生涯. 在高等教育受到严格审查的时代, BSU应该成为就业途径的代名词. BSU必须重新构想并整合职业和生活规划, 职业咨询, 以及实习机会, 专业的学徒制, 学生就业, and cooperative learning into the fabric of each student’s BSU experience. We should continue to develop new academic programs and credentials aligned with high workforce demand and the needs of employers. BSU也需要更深的锻造, more systemic and sustainable relationships with the business community.


As the number of traditional high school students attending college continues to decline, BSU must adapt to a more competitive enrollment environment in which student expectations are changing. 大学应进一步多元化招生市场, 建立明确的招生优先级, 行动计划, 投资, 作为五年战略招生计划的一部分.0. As returning students comprise approximately two-thirds of our enrollment, the University must continue to develop and support data-driven retention strategies supporting the success of all students.


作为我们市场多元化努力的一部分, we must sharpen our focus on post-traditional students – the large working adult population that continues to be underserved. 在马萨诸塞州, 有近700个,000人上过大学,但没有学位, 虽然只有59岁,000人在接受高等教育. 增加后传统学生的数量, the College of Continuing Studies (CCS) will continue to increase online program offerings and focus on paraprofessional recruitment. 展望未来, CCS will develop programs to align with MassReconnect and explore Prior Learning Assessment, as well as begin to address issues related to price competitiveness.


BSU will continue to forge strong relationships with 网关的社区 in Southeastern Massachusetts, 重点是提高大学入学机会. BSU will conduct a comprehensive audit of existing K-12 programs and initiatives in order to identify possible 机会 to build on existing partnerships. BSU将把它的早期大学项目扩展到新贝德福德以外, 目标是每年服务500名学生. The University will also advance its Grow Your Own Teachers initiative across the region and look to partner with college preparatory and mentoring organizations to improve college access.




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